The USAPL EuroTour
A new model of regional competition for powerlifting, proudly part of the USAPL!
The EuroTour is a unique model of competition that promotes participation in a Rounds based system throughout participating countries across Europe.
EuroTour - Overview
Throughout the year, or season, there will be a number of Rounds. Each hosted in participating countries.
Currently England, Ireland and the Netherlands.
By participating in the Rounds, lifters post a DOTS score. ​(See Specific Rules below for information on DOTS formula).
At the end of the year, or season, there will be a EuroTour Final.
To be invited to participate in the Final, a lifters DOTS score will be used to rank them among those who have also participated in the Tour.
The final will see the Male & Female of:
Top 10 Open​
Top 5 Teen (including Youth)
Top 5 Juniors
Top 5 Masters 1
Top 5 Masters 2
Top 5 Masters 3+
(The above being referred to throughout as the Division(s).)
As well, to promote participation we will also be inviting the:​
Top 5 Push & Pull
Top 10 Equipped Full Power
The winners of each Division will not only take the status as EuroTour Champion but will also receive prizes! (Based on sponsorship and availability.)​
Specific Rules
You can participate in as many or as few Rounds as you would like
You could compete in every Round in an attempt to keep pushing your DOTS score and maintain or further your places in the rankings.
Or you could compete in just one round and give it all, but leave yourself vulnerable to others participating in other rounds.
Or you could compete in an early round, post an initial score, and then compete in a later round and look to secure your position in the final with a better understanding of those in your Division.
Weight classes:
Given that the Tour is based on DOTS scores, weight classes become a question of personal preference.​
You can change weight classes between rounds.
You may wish to compete in different rounds at different weight classes and see how you can manipulate your DOTS score accordingly.
BUT, whatever weight class you participated in when you posted the DOTS score that earned you an invite into the final, you must then compete at the final by weighing in within that weight class.
In all Divisions, except the Open, DOTS/Age will be used. In the Open, it will just be DOTS. ​
In the Push&Pull and the Equipped, it will be DOTS/Age as within those two rankings, there will be no splits by age division and we want to promote equivalency of participation to grow these two branches.
You will be ranked based on the Division you will be in at the time of the EuroTour Final. ​
If you wish, you can enter into the Open, instead of the Division you otherwise qualify to be a part of.
But, if you were to opt into the Open, you would forfeit you place in your otherwise Division.
(EuroTour organisers will contact you to find out whether you wish to move into the Open or remain in Division.)
This option may be of interest given that the Open prizes will be more heavily weighted.
(Keep in mind your DOTS in division will be different to your DOTS in the Open, given that the Divisions use DOTS/Age.)
At all times, the EuroTour will be run in adherence of the USAPL rulebook.